College Hall, Gonzaga University.

Office of the President, Thayne M. McCulloh, D.Phil.


The world community currently finds itself in the midst of a national and international public health crisis without modern parallel.  The novel coronavirus is ravaging populations within our nation and around the world.  During this time, it is important for each of us at Gonzaga University to manifest core values at the heart of our Catholic, Jesuit and humanistic mission: respect for the essential humanity of every individual, care for the whole person, and faith in the power of God at work in the world.  We must continue to practice care for all people while remaining vigilant, kind, and compassionate in the face of this very real threat.

As I have shared with our community, my personal commitment to Gonzaga University is three-fold.  My first commitment is to the health and welfare of our students, faculty, staff and community members.  I vow to do everything possible, even in the face of uncertainty and a highly dynamic situation, to preserve the health of our community and the broader Spokane community, of which Gonzaga is a part.  My second commitment is to support the educational mission obligations to our students and to those who support them.  As a university that takes seriously its commitment to academic excellence and student success, I am intent upon doing everything possible to support our students.  Our third commitment, always, is to the long-term viability and success of the university.

These are the times when we are called upon, as companions on a shared journey, to demonstrate our care and concern for each other.  Let us stay strong, take all appropriate measures to stay healthy, and continue to care for and support one another.  I offer prayers for your health and safety, and profound gratitude for your continued support.

With gratitude,

Thayne M. McCulloh, D.Phil.


St. Aloysius Cathedral

Mission, Vision & Strategic Plan

See how Gonzaga's Mission, Vision and Strategic Plan guide our University and leadership.

President McCulloh Gonzaga Will

Because of You, They Will Succeed

Gonzaga Will Campaign raises more than $355 million from more than 40,000 donors.

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Equity, Inclusion & Intercultural Awareness

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Building Projects

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