Title IX


"No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance." –Title IX Educational Amendments of 1972

Harassment, discrimination, and sexual misconduct will not be tolerated at Gonzaga. Such acts are counter to our mission, values, Student Code of Conduct, and are against Gonzaga policy. Acts of harassment, discrimination, and/or sexual misconduct interfere with an individual’s ability to benefit from the Gonzaga experience. Gonzaga is committed to taking all appropriate steps to eliminate harassment, discrimination, and sexual misconduct, prevent its recurrence and address its effects.

Such prohibited behavior includes, but is not limited to the following, which are defined further in our Harassment and Non-Discrimination policy:

  • Sexual Assault
    • Related to attempted or actual penetration
    • All other forms of sexual contact
  • Unwanted Sexual-Based Communication
  • Sexual Exploitation
  • Stalking
  • Domestic Violence
  • Dating Violence
  • Sex or Gender-Based Discrimination
  • Prohibited Relationships
  • Reporting
  • Harassment and Non-Discrimination Policy
  • Support and Resources
  • Emergency Resources
  • Contacts

How Title IX Can Help

Whether you are a Gonzaga Community member who has experienced gender-based harassment, discrimination or sexual misconduct or you know someone who has, all members of the Gonzaga community are encouraged to report any incident of harassment, discrimination or sexual misconduct promptly to Title IX.

Gonzaga has professionals specially trained in conducting investigations, providing support and assisting you throughout a reporting process. The University aims to provide support, resources, stop the misconduct, prevent further acts, and respond promptly and effectively to any attempts at retaliation.

Once the University receives a report, Title IX and Student Development Professionals will reach out to involved parties in order to promote safety, security and provide options for moving forward. All support options are available whether someone chooses to report or not.

Title IX Can Facilitate:

  • Priority connection to the Health and Counseling Center
  • Connection to resources and support through campus and community partners
  • Connection to medical attention for health care needs and evidence collection
  • Assistance and connection to law enforcement
  • Available and appropriate interim and preventative measures such as:
    • Academic accommodations
    • Residential accommodations
    • Work accommodations
    • Transportation accommodations

Privacy is of our utmost concern, and we will respect wishes for anonymity whenever possible. Because of our responsibility promote a safe learning environment, if a pattern of misconduct is evident, or there is a risk to anyone, Gonzaga must to respond appropriately to ensure the safety of the community.

To make a report of sexual assault or misconduct, and/or gender-based harassment or discrimination, please contact a University Title IX professional or use the online report form. In the absence of one of the individuals below, another professional within the Office of Equity and Inclusion can also take your report.


Anonymous reporting

By choosing to make an anonymous report, Gonzaga may be limited in responding to a report of gender-based harassment, misconduct, and other forms of harassment and discrimination. Support resources will not be limited.

Mandatory Reporting for Incidents involving Minors

All Gonzaga University employees, including faculty, staff, administrators, temporary staff, volunteers, and student employees who have reasonable cause to believe that a child has suffered abuse or neglect are required to immediately report the suspected abuse or neglect to law enforcement or the Department of Social and Health Services as specified in this policy.

This policy is adopted in accordance with Washington State’s Abuse of Children Law (RCW 26.44). For details on the requirements of and process for reporting, please refer to the Gonzaga University Policy on Reporting Suspected Child Abuse.